Para la mujer latina
About Me

Fun Facts about Van Walton
My favorite smell: The way the earth smells after it rains.
My favorite sound: The first notes of a grand symphony.
My favorite way to relax: Sitting anywhere outside - on my front porch, on my deck, or by the lake, early in the morning with my first cup of coffee.
My favorite birthday dessert: a Peach cobbler baked by my husband. He’s my fave chef!
I will not eat: Avocado. They turn my stomach into a volcano that never erupts.
Technology I couldn't live without and why: My laptop - it takes me anywhere I want to go.
One thing that makes me smile: My sons' faces!
My Resources
My book, From the Pound to the Palace, is available for $10
from Proverbs 31 Ministries.

My book, Little Halos, is available for $5.99 from Proverbs
31 Ministries.

Proverbs 31 Speakers
Friday, March 7, 2008
I walked into Bible Study smiling. I so enjoy this hour of rich girlfriend and God time.
Crossing the threshold into the room where we meet, one of my classmates approached me. “Van, Barbara wants to talk to you. She found the Proverbs 31 Ministries web site, has read some of your devotionals – we didn’t know you were a writer!”
I found myself thinking, “ I don’t consider myself a writer either. Yet, I have been given this awesome opportunity to journey with a group of ladies who have led me along, so why not give it my all – especially when I get to reach out to women and touch their hearts.”
So- when Barbara arrived she immediately asked if we could get together. Right away I knew I loved Barbara. She stepped out of her comfort zone to meet me. She honored me by giving me some credit, even though she didn’t know me. This encouraged me and built my esteem. She was being a friend before ever becoming a friend.
Right then and there we decided to extend our Bible study and meet afterwards at the local coffee shop.
Strange thing – before 8:30 Tuesday morning, we were strangers. Then we sat down across the table from each other and began to talk… She wanted to know about writing. I am not a writing specialist, but I know people who are highly accomplished and I have sat at their feet, learning more than I could ever keep tucked away for my own benefit. So I began to tell what all I had learned. She pulled out her little notebook and began to write.
Every once in a while we got off on bunny trails (real girlfriends do that, you know), but we always came back to a subject we both feel God is calling us to pursue. Writing.
Last night one of my pastors asked me about writing. I told him I was a very unlikely writer. It is not within my personality. I did tell him, though that sitting still to contemplate and meditate is very challenging for me. Writing has been a gift I recently opened. Whenever I turn to writing, I find myself at peace. I listen for wise words. I apply the thoughts I have to my life. These, thoughts can only come to me when I sit still to ponder and question life. And then I put those thoughts on paper and my life begins to make sense.
I think I shared this with my new friend Barbara some time on Tuesday morning. After hearing a bit about her story, I hope she will put her words on paper for all the world to see. I think she has been listening to great wisdom.
When we looked at the time – Oh my goodness NOON!
We decided to condense our conversation. This is what we agreed upon:
Pray for confidence.
Choose an area of passion.
Create an outline that best represents a personal voice.
Begin writing.
Life in general is no different. We don’t all have to be writer wanna be’s to live by the above goals. Don’t we all want confidence to pursue our passion? Aren’t we all seeking that place where we can best work out our purpose? Isn’t every day a new beginning?
So I am wondering what keeps me from doing what I want to do?
What do you want to do? What is your dream? Do you have a “bucket list?”
(BUCKET LIST – is a recent movie release about two men who lean they have terminal cancer. They make a list of things you want to accomplish in life before you move on. The movie is about their adventures together as they celebrate the few months they have left to live.)
I want to fill my life with friends, interesting people, others’ stories, and hours filled with talking and listening…
What is in your bucket list?
Crossing the threshold into the room where we meet, one of my classmates approached me. “Van, Barbara wants to talk to you. She found the Proverbs 31 Ministries web site, has read some of your devotionals – we didn’t know you were a writer!”
I found myself thinking, “ I don’t consider myself a writer either. Yet, I have been given this awesome opportunity to journey with a group of ladies who have led me along, so why not give it my all – especially when I get to reach out to women and touch their hearts.”
So- when Barbara arrived she immediately asked if we could get together. Right away I knew I loved Barbara. She stepped out of her comfort zone to meet me. She honored me by giving me some credit, even though she didn’t know me. This encouraged me and built my esteem. She was being a friend before ever becoming a friend.
Right then and there we decided to extend our Bible study and meet afterwards at the local coffee shop.
Strange thing – before 8:30 Tuesday morning, we were strangers. Then we sat down across the table from each other and began to talk… She wanted to know about writing. I am not a writing specialist, but I know people who are highly accomplished and I have sat at their feet, learning more than I could ever keep tucked away for my own benefit. So I began to tell what all I had learned. She pulled out her little notebook and began to write.
Every once in a while we got off on bunny trails (real girlfriends do that, you know), but we always came back to a subject we both feel God is calling us to pursue. Writing.
Last night one of my pastors asked me about writing. I told him I was a very unlikely writer. It is not within my personality. I did tell him, though that sitting still to contemplate and meditate is very challenging for me. Writing has been a gift I recently opened. Whenever I turn to writing, I find myself at peace. I listen for wise words. I apply the thoughts I have to my life. These, thoughts can only come to me when I sit still to ponder and question life. And then I put those thoughts on paper and my life begins to make sense.
I think I shared this with my new friend Barbara some time on Tuesday morning. After hearing a bit about her story, I hope she will put her words on paper for all the world to see. I think she has been listening to great wisdom.
When we looked at the time – Oh my goodness NOON!
We decided to condense our conversation. This is what we agreed upon:
Pray for confidence.
Choose an area of passion.
Create an outline that best represents a personal voice.
Begin writing.
Life in general is no different. We don’t all have to be writer wanna be’s to live by the above goals. Don’t we all want confidence to pursue our passion? Aren’t we all seeking that place where we can best work out our purpose? Isn’t every day a new beginning?
So I am wondering what keeps me from doing what I want to do?
What do you want to do? What is your dream? Do you have a “bucket list?”
(BUCKET LIST – is a recent movie release about two men who lean they have terminal cancer. They make a list of things you want to accomplish in life before you move on. The movie is about their adventures together as they celebrate the few months they have left to live.)
I want to fill my life with friends, interesting people, others’ stories, and hours filled with talking and listening…
What is in your bucket list?
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My bucket list includes having coffee with you!! I love the way you describe what writing does for your spirit. That is so beautiful and I can relate to that image. Life moves so quickly sometimes that it seems writing about it is the best way for me to reflect on and appreciate all the gifts God has given me. He has made something beautiful in my life in ways I never would have dreamed! Just another drop in the bucket!
Van, Thanks for stopping by my blog and giving me the honor of taking the time to read what I have written.
I hear you on the "writing". I have had several people mention it to me...I can't see it....I just love expressing what's on my heart.
I haven't seen the movie...but on my bucket list would be to have deep, heart connection relationships in my city and to offer the heart of Papa to those He brings in my path.
Boy can I relate!! I have been drug along kicking and screaming where writing is concerned. I would have to say that a book would be in my bucket list!!
Great post.