About Me

Van Walton

Fun Facts about Van Walton

My favorite smell: The way the earth smells after it rains.

My favorite sound: The first notes of a grand symphony.

My favorite way to relax: Sitting anywhere outside - on my front porch, on my deck, or by the lake, early in the morning with my first cup of coffee.

My favorite birthday dessert: a Peach cobbler baked by my husband. He’s my fave chef!

I will not eat: Avocado. They turn my stomach into a volcano that never erupts.

Technology I couldn't live without and why: My laptop - it takes me anywhere I want to go.

One thing that makes me smile: My sons' faces!

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My Resources

My book, From the Pound to the Palace, is available for $10
from Proverbs 31 Ministries.

Pound to Palace

My book, Little Halos, is available for $5.99 from Proverbs
31 Ministries.

Little Halos

Proverbs 31 Ministries


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Friday, May 27, 2011

A Tribute to My Daddy

Whenever I think of Memorial Day - the men and women whose lives we honor and celebrate because of their willing and selfless sacrifice, I remember my daddy. He was the most wonderful person. I miss him so much. He fought in WWII in France and Germany, ending his tour of duty by helping to liberate the awful terrible death camp: Dacchau. Daddy, like so many of the great generation, never talked much about his accomplishments. He returned from the war, married, raised two little girls into adulthood, provided generously for us, protected us fiercely, and prepared us for the world. I owe a lot of who I am, the bit of confidence I have to my daddy.

After working in the oil industry in South America, where I was born, England, and Norway he returned to Table Rock Lake in Missouri where he retired. Ten years ago he went HOME to be with Jesus. I miss you daddy.  


Michele Caséca said...

Dear sweet Van,

It was a beautiful tribute to you daddy!
I can imagine how much you miss him, but I'm glad you know the One who can give you the comfort you need for this loss.
He must be So proud of the woman you grew into.
Your strength, honesty, integrity, faithfulness, and love inspire me every day!
I'm so proud to be your friend!

I love you!


Wendy Bello said...

I just read this, Van.
The good part is you know you will see him again. And also the wonderful memories and the legacy he left behind.

Much love,
