Para la mujer latina
About Me

Fun Facts about Van Walton
My favorite smell: The way the earth smells after it rains.
My favorite sound: The first notes of a grand symphony.
My favorite way to relax: Sitting anywhere outside - on my front porch, on my deck, or by the lake, early in the morning with my first cup of coffee.
My favorite birthday dessert: a Peach cobbler baked by my husband. He’s my fave chef!
I will not eat: Avocado. They turn my stomach into a volcano that never erupts.
Technology I couldn't live without and why: My laptop - it takes me anywhere I want to go.
One thing that makes me smile: My sons' faces!

My Resources
My book, From the Pound to the Palace, is available for $10
from Proverbs 31 Ministries.

My book, Little Halos, is available for $5.99 from Proverbs
31 Ministries.

Proverbs 31 Speakers
Friday, October 2, 2009
Welcome – those of you visiting from Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Encouragement for Today. I'm honored you have dropped by for a visit.
Today's devotion describes some very special ladies who have said, “Yes,” when each one heard, “Come follow me, let down your nets.”
I must say when God calls His girls to follow Him we find out the adventure He has set before us is one amazing journey, something we could have never - in our wildest dreams - concocted!
Saved by Christ
Loved by the Father
Lifted by the Holy Spirit
Set apart to glorify God
Adequate to share the Good News
Today I want to introduce you to the incredible team of women who works with devoted dedication to make sure women who read in Spanish have the same opportunity as all of you who experience spiritual insight and daily joy while you read Encouragement for Today.
Let me introduce you to each one of my wonderful friends. They are my friends and friends of God. (Come back later on to read each incredible testimony!)
Drum roll, please.
Meet Angela, from Colombia who moved to Charlotte and has now returned to South America with a vision to plant a seed of Proverbs 31 Ministries in her native country.
Meet Judith who moved to the United States from Colombia and recently celebrated her one-year anniversary as an American citizen.
This is Lupe our most recent addition to the team. She is from Ecuador and lives right here in Charlotte!
Have you ever seen a gathering of more lovely ladies? Each has so selflessly dedicated herself to writing, translating, and editing daily devotionals for the Hispanic portion of the P31 website.
You know what the most exciting aspect of this group of ladies is? Only God could have brought us together from across the states and from so many countries.Can you believe that I have never met in person two of these ladies, yet their presence with the ministry is very real? I stand amazed at our faithful God who loves us so, He would bring total strangers together from all corners of the earth so His Word could penetrate women's hearts and fill each soul with real purpose for living. Who would have known that He would reach down from his heaven and move each of us into one ministry – all because each one said,
“If you say so, Lord, I’ll do it.”
Let me encourage you to ask God to repeat his calling to you – just in case you said “no” the first time. Then let Him know- you want to cast your nets.
He’s calling you, “Come follow me.”
He longs for your answer.
Meanwhile, can I ask you to pray for your Latina sisters. They seek the same God you have found. The longings of their hearts are no different from yours. Pray for dedicated workers to bring God's peace, purpose and perspective into the Hispanic community,
... oh and don't forget to~
Welcome – those of you visiting from Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Encouragement for Today. I'm honored you have dropped by for a visit.
Today's devotion describes some very special ladies who have said, “Yes,” when each one heard, “Come follow me, let down your nets.”
I must say when God calls His girls to follow Him we find out the adventure He has set before us is one amazing journey, something we could have never - in our wildest dreams - concocted!
Throughout October I’ll be blogging about Proverbs 31 Hispanic Ministry called
For those of you who need a translation:
Loved by the Father
Set apart to glorify God
Adequate to share the Good News
Let me introduce you to each one of my wonderful friends. They are my friends and friends of God. (Come back later on to read each incredible testimony!)
Drum roll, please.
Meet Ana, whose native country is Guatemala but who now lives in Arizona.
Meet Judith who moved to the United States from Colombia and recently celebrated her one-year anniversary as an American citizen.
Here’s Laura and her precious baby girl, Sofia. Laura is Puerto Rican. She recently returned to her beautiful island after having lived in NYC for a couple of years.
And this is Wendy without whose editing expertise we would not reach the level of excellence we strive to achieve. She lives in Miami.
Have you ever seen a gathering of more lovely ladies? Each has so selflessly dedicated herself to writing, translating, and editing daily devotionals for the Hispanic portion of the P31 website.
You know what the most exciting aspect of this group of ladies is? Only God could have brought us together from across the states and from so many countries.Can you believe that I have never met in person two of these ladies, yet their presence with the ministry is very real? I stand amazed at our faithful God who loves us so, He would bring total strangers together from all corners of the earth so His Word could penetrate women's hearts and fill each soul with real purpose for living. Who would have known that He would reach down from his heaven and move each of us into one ministry – all because each one said,
“If you say so, Lord, I’ll do it.”
Let me encourage you to ask God to repeat his calling to you – just in case you said “no” the first time. Then let Him know- you want to cast your nets.
He’s calling you, “Come follow me.”
He longs for your answer.
Meanwhile, can I ask you to pray for your Latina sisters. They seek the same God you have found. The longings of their hearts are no different from yours. Pray for dedicated workers to bring God's peace, purpose and perspective into the Hispanic community,
... oh and don't forget to~
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What an inspiring devo you wrote today!!! I have seen the Truth of your words lived out in my own life this year as I stepped out in faith to do a task God called me to do. He equipped and provided for me more than I could have ever asked or imagined!! Thank you for inspiring us with your personal story today.
And I love meeting the women on your team...names and beautiful faces.
Blessings to each of you today,
I'm so glad to have gotten a look into this part of our ministry. Thank you for your heart to reach out to all of our sisters here in the US and throughout the world. You and your team are gorgeous!!
Awesome devo and post today friend! And how wonderful to see the faces of the wonderful ladies behind the scenes who make this Spanish outreach for God possible and alive! Thanks to all!
Thank you Angela, Ana Judith, Laura, Wendy and Lupe!!
You are a very special part of this ministry, and I am grateful for your service.
Sweet Blessings ~ Rachel
Thank you for much your sharing of your story. I just get chills when I hear how God's hand works once we say 'if you say so' and walk in obedience. What a blessing of women! May God continue to bless your endeavors to reach others for His sake and His name.
It is all good Van!. I am so happy you said "Master, If you said so, I will try again" You have been a blessing for us.
Thank you so much for this very important ministry. May God multiply it a hundredfold Pat
Van--- You are such a blessing to Proverbs 31!!!! Cyber hugs!!!
It was great to hear about the Spanish Devotionals. I will be sharing it with others soon. Today's devotional touched my heart. These days I've been experiencing some uneasiness about where my life is heading. I love the Lord and talk to him everyday but recently I feel he's far away. Family has drained me somewhat and I feel that I've lost myself somewhere down the line. My children are teenagers who are involved in sports. My husband is busy with work and sports. There isn't too much time for me to get involved with anything else. My desire is to see my family passionate for God but it's been a huge struggle. I am waiting for God to show me how I can impact my family in a Godly way.
I have goose bumps!! I had no prior knowledge of this part of P31 Ministries. This is exciting stuff!! Hearing how God's hand has brought all of these wonderful women together to work for His Glory is astounding! I am always amazed, and I pray I will never cease to be amazed, at the wonder of the incredible ways God can find us in our lives, and gently nudge us in the direction he wants us to go.
Praise be to God!
Van, I truly believe that God encourages us with little, subtle nudges and then sometimes with 2 X 4's that smack us upside the head.
I have been struggling as an outsider(pastor's wife) in a new community, and a new church start. I have struggled with others not appreciating or even seeing my gifts in this new ministry.
This week has been "HORRIBLE". By actions of our church leadership, they have expressed that they choose not to see or be part of my "vision" for a renovation to our new property. In the midst of my anger and frustration I have turned on my husband-my best friend and am considering how my gifts can be more effectively used in another congregation. My brain is crying out to be "Laura" not "Pastor's wife". I no longer want that title-actually I have never wanted that title. I want to be Laura-Bob's wife again. This is an unrealistic desire as being Bob's wife entails being Pastor Bob's wife.
I realize that there are lots of "I's" in this comment, but your devotion today has hit me like a 2 X 4. "Let down your nets Laura, I know where you fit in, TRUST ME!", "Trust me, and I will show you the plans I have for you". "BE STILL-Stop planning and directing and let me "DIRECT your next move".
Van, I have your heard your words of encouragement. Thank you!
What a beautiufl group of women! You are blessed to have them in our life. AND we are blessed to have them with our ministry! Thank you to all of you who serve our God and His Kingdom.
Absolutely beautiful! Only God could bring together a group from so many places and so gorgeous too!
Hey God!
I loved your devotional today! Sometimes I have trouble going where the Spirit leads, but you inspire! Wow! The Hispanic Ministry is really growing! YOur team is a beautiful group of ladies. My son is taking Spanish in middle school, so maybe one day he will help with a similar ministry.
Blessings, Van.
Thanks for your devotion today! Loved it!
This post was great! A lot of us live in very small worlds and in our sub-conscious think God is an American. He is SO MUCH BIGGER.
The Spirit of God has been leading our corporate prayer at church more and more to pray for the nations.
"Not my will, but Your will" Oh my goodness, we are living in exciting times.
Your devotion about letting down the nets really touched me today.
My husband suffered a panic attack and was sent home from work yesterday. My son was planning to drive the 45 minute trip so my husband could work today. However, work has called and he's on FMLA leave until he gets a note from the therapist that
he can handle the forklift equipment and do his job.
That is wonderful. Wow! Isn't He wonderful? Yes! Yes! Yes! I will pray.
I am encouraged by this devotion. I've been backsliding in my ministry and been crying out for His help to bring me back. He has brought me back to this blog. I am so glad I came. Thank you for sharing this wonderful devotion and news.
Van - How exciting! I love to hear how this Spanish ministry came about. Your photos and spirits are beautiful, ladies. I enjoyed the magazine article too!
God certainly used your devo this morning to speak to me. Like so many other women, I can relate to Peter & his impulsiveness & sometimes seeming lack of trust. I am truly working on recognizing & listening to the voice of the Master when He tells me to let down my nets even though I have no idea why or what it is He wants me to catch!
I am going to share your devo with the other women on our ministry team as we search for how God wants us to impact our community.
May God continue to bless your work.
In Him,