Para la mujer latina
About Me

Fun Facts about Van Walton
My favorite smell: The way the earth smells after it rains.
My favorite sound: The first notes of a grand symphony.
My favorite way to relax: Sitting anywhere outside - on my front porch, on my deck, or by the lake, early in the morning with my first cup of coffee.
My favorite birthday dessert: a Peach cobbler baked by my husband. He’s my fave chef!
I will not eat: Avocado. They turn my stomach into a volcano that never erupts.
Technology I couldn't live without and why: My laptop - it takes me anywhere I want to go.
One thing that makes me smile: My sons' faces!

My Resources
My book, From the Pound to the Palace, is available for $10
from Proverbs 31 Ministries.

My book, Little Halos, is available for $5.99 from Proverbs
31 Ministries.

Proverbs 31 Speakers
Monday, October 26, 2009
on the MOVE with MOSES and the band of PILGRIMS he led across the wilderness...
Today is my last entry for this topic: How did pilgrims survive their moves?
They pray,
invite others to join them
love God and one another
imitate God and
When was the last time you heard God encouraging you to move?
Not all moves include packing up and taking a journey across town or across the country. Most of our moves are spiritual in nature. They include obedience, service, sacrifice, discomfort...
I recently moved. I moved from being a stay-at-home mom to two left-the-nest-years-ago sons. Now that is a backwards move if ever I heard one.
My move?
I moved back into the classroom. Yup- a move I never thought I would make again. You see, when I walked out of the classroom over a decade ago I believed I had retired. Then out of nowhere this time last year I began to feel that prodding, a gentle nudge.
"Who me? God, are you sure you have the right person. Most people are retireing at my age, not going to work."
Yes, you.
I obeyed by talking to the headmaster of a little Christian school five minutes from my house. He was thrilled. He wanted me!
I signed a contract in April and spent the summer in denial. You see this move is a sacrifice. My husband is retired and we have spent 4 wonderful fun-filled years together after years of stressful work that has kept him away from the family for weeks and months, moves that have threatened to tear our marriage apart, projects like raising two boys, bulding houses and churches, and life...
This move- going back to work has stretched me. I liked sleeping in and being lazy with my husband after so many years of dragging out of the bed at before-dawn hours.
This move has rearranged my ideas of servanthood. I have served my sons. I have served in the church. I have served the community. Now I simply want to serve my husband.
This move has been uncomfortable. How would I relate to kids of all ages after so many years of being out of the classroom?
I can tell you - I simply said , "yes" and God has filled in all my doubts with confirmation that He who calls is faithful.
I am geting along just fine with all my students- ages 5 - 17! I teach Spanish to all levels and ages.
The staff I work with is a phenomenal group of people who puts God first, family and children second.
My co-worker - the other Spanish teacher is a regular comedian ready to bring a smile on anyone's face.
Best of all - I teach in a Christian school. I get to talk about my favorite topic- God and His love for us, every day.
I can't wait to tell you about some of the conversations I have shared with my new friends.
For sure - I have been challenged with all sorts of moves. I don't think God looks at one move- a cross country relocation or a spiritual step in the right direction - as any different from the other.
I believe He is simply calling us to move like he called our forefather pilgrims -
Invite others to join you
Love God
Grow in godliness
Imitate Christ
MOVE in the direction God is calling you to go.
When we do, our moves will be successful and we will
Today is my last entry for this topic: How did pilgrims survive their moves?
They pray,
invite others to join them
love God and one another
imitate God and
When was the last time you heard God encouraging you to move?
Not all moves include packing up and taking a journey across town or across the country. Most of our moves are spiritual in nature. They include obedience, service, sacrifice, discomfort...
I recently moved. I moved from being a stay-at-home mom to two left-the-nest-years-ago sons. Now that is a backwards move if ever I heard one.
My move?
I moved back into the classroom. Yup- a move I never thought I would make again. You see, when I walked out of the classroom over a decade ago I believed I had retired. Then out of nowhere this time last year I began to feel that prodding, a gentle nudge.
"Who me? God, are you sure you have the right person. Most people are retireing at my age, not going to work."
Yes, you.
I obeyed by talking to the headmaster of a little Christian school five minutes from my house. He was thrilled. He wanted me!
I signed a contract in April and spent the summer in denial. You see this move is a sacrifice. My husband is retired and we have spent 4 wonderful fun-filled years together after years of stressful work that has kept him away from the family for weeks and months, moves that have threatened to tear our marriage apart, projects like raising two boys, bulding houses and churches, and life...
This move- going back to work has stretched me. I liked sleeping in and being lazy with my husband after so many years of dragging out of the bed at before-dawn hours.
This move has rearranged my ideas of servanthood. I have served my sons. I have served in the church. I have served the community. Now I simply want to serve my husband.
This move has been uncomfortable. How would I relate to kids of all ages after so many years of being out of the classroom?
I can tell you - I simply said , "yes" and God has filled in all my doubts with confirmation that He who calls is faithful.
I am geting along just fine with all my students- ages 5 - 17! I teach Spanish to all levels and ages.
The staff I work with is a phenomenal group of people who puts God first, family and children second.
My co-worker - the other Spanish teacher is a regular comedian ready to bring a smile on anyone's face.
Best of all - I teach in a Christian school. I get to talk about my favorite topic- God and His love for us, every day.
I can't wait to tell you about some of the conversations I have shared with my new friends.
For sure - I have been challenged with all sorts of moves. I don't think God looks at one move- a cross country relocation or a spiritual step in the right direction - as any different from the other.
I believe He is simply calling us to move like he called our forefather pilgrims -
Invite others to join you
Love God
Grow in godliness
Imitate Christ
MOVE in the direction God is calling you to go.
When we do, our moves will be successful and we will
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Van! I had no idea you had made such a brave move. Three years ago I entered back into the work force after taking off ten years to be with my boys. It was very difficult. Had the feeling, rather, of jumping off a cliff.
But you are right, God is good, and He always makes a way. I've never regretted it. Even rejoiced a few times. :)
Wow Van! That is so cool. I think it is amazing to see how in our lives we think we know the way that our road is taking, when it really isn't going that way at all.
So glad you are enjoying teaching!
I didn't know you're teaching this year!! Me too!!! I'm teaching 3 sixth grade boys at this unique little private school. It's rocking my world too, but God is nailing me every time I complain about my manna. I'm working on embracing this next lesson in my life.
Love you,
As a "retired" teacher, this post made me a bit nervous. I left my career after teaching 20 years to go to seminary with the goal of writing and speaking full time once I graduated. I did graduate, and I am loving what I am now doing-- so I hope the Lord doesn't call me back to the classroom!
However, I also know that He blesses us when we are obedient to His calling. As He so obviously done for you.
I am thrilled to hear how much you are enjoying this unexpected, new assignment in your life. God can be a God of surprises-- for instance, who would have guessed language-challenged me to be a Greek student?? Go figure!