About Me

Van Walton

Fun Facts about Van Walton

My favorite smell: The way the earth smells after it rains.

My favorite sound: The first notes of a grand symphony.

My favorite way to relax: Sitting anywhere outside - on my front porch, on my deck, or by the lake, early in the morning with my first cup of coffee.

My favorite birthday dessert: a Peach cobbler baked by my husband. He’s my fave chef!

I will not eat: Avocado. They turn my stomach into a volcano that never erupts.

Technology I couldn't live without and why: My laptop - it takes me anywhere I want to go.

One thing that makes me smile: My sons' faces!

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My Resources

My book, From the Pound to the Palace, is available for $10
from Proverbs 31 Ministries.

Pound to Palace

My book, Little Halos, is available for $5.99 from Proverbs
31 Ministries.

Little Halos

Proverbs 31 Ministries


Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion

Monday, November 29, 2010

Rockin' around the centerpiece...

Statistics show that children, who grow up in families where meals are regularly eaten together at home, tend to overcome many of life’s hardships.

(If you, like me, don't like to cook and feel overwhelmed in the kitchen
       maybe a visit to my special friend- Leann's blog- She Cooks will insipre     you. I know she inspires me every time I taste one of her delicious dishes.)

A study, from Columbia University, found that “teens from families that almost never eat dinner together are 72 percent more likely to use illegal drugs, cigarettes and alcohol than the average teen” (ibid.). That same study reports that those who eat dinner with their parents fewer than three times a week are more likely to smoke and drink than those who eat with their parents six times a week.

         (...and for more ideas and encouragement on family life visit
                                                    Proverbs31 Ministries for Women)

Not only do I believe this, but I like the idea of families coming together at the end of the day. Traditions that develop during these times provide opportunities for the entire family to become involved in one another’s lives. The bonds that develop and the repetition of traditions contribute to children’s feelings of well being and security.

As some of you might have read in my previous blogs, I practice decorating with a purpose.
So what is my intention, while considering the kitchen table center piece? To bring the family together around the family meal a the end of the day, not only to eat but to build bonds and traditions.

My centerpiece is this year’s family center!

Not only do I use evergreen, pine cones, and candles, I have added special holiday table talk ideas to engage children and parents while they share the evening meal.

(Come back Wednesday for my "What's on your kitchen table? Wednesdays" decorating idea and I will show you simple steps for making a live centerpiece.) 

Inside each of the little scrolls which are tied to  colorfully sprayed sticks or tucked inside the giant pinecones, I have written a fun challenge.

These holiday dinner table games can be played in teams or individually. Open one scroll each evening and enjoy the fun.

At each place setting you may want to provide a pencil and paper. Or even better, small white boards which kids enjoy so much more than pencil and paper! 

Here are a few ideas:

How many words can you make from the one word, Christmas?

Name everything found in the nativity.

How many Christmas carols do you know?

Fill in the blanks or answer the following:

Who stole Christmas?

Who is Frosty?

How many “la’s” are in “Deck the Halls”?

Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?

What does a candy cane symbolize?

Who was the king in the Old Testament who was Jesus’ great, great, great…. grandfather?

We three kings from _____________are…

Glory to God in the _________________

Depending on your specific family circumstances, you may want to gather your children around the table before dinner. Let them play as you prepare the meal. That way they are out of your way and they have something to anticipate in the late hours of the day when they feel antsy or tired. Of course as you get dinner ready, you can participate.

What fun family traditions do you have that other families might enjoy incorporating into their Christmas activities?

For more ideas come back. Meanwhile, remember this is the season to
