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About Me

Fun Facts about Van Walton
My favorite smell: The way the earth smells after it rains.
My favorite sound: The first notes of a grand symphony.
My favorite way to relax: Sitting anywhere outside - on my front porch, on my deck, or by the lake, early in the morning with my first cup of coffee.
My favorite birthday dessert: a Peach cobbler baked by my husband. He’s my fave chef!
I will not eat: Avocado. They turn my stomach into a volcano that never erupts.
Technology I couldn't live without and why: My laptop - it takes me anywhere I want to go.
One thing that makes me smile: My sons' faces!

My Resources
My book, From the Pound to the Palace, is available for $10
from Proverbs 31 Ministries.

My book, Little Halos, is available for $5.99 from Proverbs
31 Ministries.

Proverbs 31 Speakers
Monday, July 21, 2008
Genesis 12:51, “And on that same day the LORD brought the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt…”
Moving can be a spiritual experience as well as a physical one.
Last week a FOR SALE sign went up in front of my next door neighbor’s house. They lived in that house four years, now they’re on the move. Company transfer.
Lots of emotion goin’ on next door. Four little girls to pack up-toys, clothes, books, and memories. The baby was born here. Two of the little girls’ best friend lives across the street. No kidding- they have worn a rut in the asphalt running back and forth.
Right now they aren’t facing reality. They chose to spend the month vacationing with family. I don’t blame them. Although I have moved 13 times and now live in my 7th home, I can never get too excited about moving.
I make too many good memories and don’t like leaving them behind.
Are you on the move? Have you just moved? Do you plan on moving?
Moses’ family – that might include the 600,000 men with their wives and children— some historians estimate 3 million pilgrims crossing the Sinai! Any way his family might have had moving on their minds for generations.
Moses’ family had begged God to let them move.
Then one day the doors opened and the EXODUS occurred.
Now they were dancing and singing. The whole trip looked so exciting some Egyptians even hitched a ride into the desert, hoping to journey to the Promised Land.
The sea opened up, men, women, children, animals, and carts rumbled through and arrived safely on the other side. They watched and cheered as the waves closed. They had been set free from their past!
Moving does set us free from past mistakes and troubles. That is a positive about moving. We can run away!
Doesn’t mean no more troubles. Troubles get traded and that is what happened to the children of Israel. The sun came up one morning and it got hot. No water could be found. Children got hungry. Adults did too.
Followed by grumbling.
Has God finally answered your prayers? Has he moved you, giving you the desires of your heart? A new job, a new house, the day care of your choice, a new responsibility at church, a dream vacation, a diagnosis, healing in a relationship…
Now the challenges you face aren’t what you bargained for!
Resist the temptation to grumble and complain. Praise God for caring enough to change your comfort zone. He’s up to something big in your life. Ask Him how you can glorify Him in the midst of this difficult ‘move.’
Genesis 12:51, “And on that same day the LORD brought the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt…”
Moving can be a spiritual experience as well as a physical one.
Last week a FOR SALE sign went up in front of my next door neighbor’s house. They lived in that house four years, now they’re on the move. Company transfer.
Lots of emotion goin’ on next door. Four little girls to pack up-toys, clothes, books, and memories. The baby was born here. Two of the little girls’ best friend lives across the street. No kidding- they have worn a rut in the asphalt running back and forth.
Right now they aren’t facing reality. They chose to spend the month vacationing with family. I don’t blame them. Although I have moved 13 times and now live in my 7th home, I can never get too excited about moving.
I make too many good memories and don’t like leaving them behind.
Are you on the move? Have you just moved? Do you plan on moving?
Moses’ family – that might include the 600,000 men with their wives and children— some historians estimate 3 million pilgrims crossing the Sinai! Any way his family might have had moving on their minds for generations.
Moses’ family had begged God to let them move.
Then one day the doors opened and the EXODUS occurred.
Now they were dancing and singing. The whole trip looked so exciting some Egyptians even hitched a ride into the desert, hoping to journey to the Promised Land.
The sea opened up, men, women, children, animals, and carts rumbled through and arrived safely on the other side. They watched and cheered as the waves closed. They had been set free from their past!
Moving does set us free from past mistakes and troubles. That is a positive about moving. We can run away!
Doesn’t mean no more troubles. Troubles get traded and that is what happened to the children of Israel. The sun came up one morning and it got hot. No water could be found. Children got hungry. Adults did too.
Followed by grumbling.
Has God finally answered your prayers? Has he moved you, giving you the desires of your heart? A new job, a new house, the day care of your choice, a new responsibility at church, a dream vacation, a diagnosis, healing in a relationship…
Now the challenges you face aren’t what you bargained for!
Resist the temptation to grumble and complain. Praise God for caring enough to change your comfort zone. He’s up to something big in your life. Ask Him how you can glorify Him in the midst of this difficult ‘move.’
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Yes, indeed, we've moved a little, too. This is our sixth home in our thirteen years of marriage. The most recent being almost one year ago. We are very happy in our new home & surrounds...and this part of we is still trying to discern the LORD's will on my part in these new surrounding...
Day by day, following either the fire or the cloud!
Blessings, Van!
Whoa, Van! I can completely identify with challenges in moving.
I've never had to move that much, but we chose about a year ago to buy a new house and were confident that we could sell our other one. This was right before the housing market got so bad! In fact, our first offer was declined, and we made our peace that this house wasn't meant to be ours. When they called back a month later, though, and said they would accept our original offer, though we thought that it was an opportunity from God. Now I'm not so sure.
Our other house hasn't sold in a year, and we are currently in the process of changing realtors. All during this time, we have been living in the new house, which we love, but which needs some updating. We can not update until our other sells. In addition, we have only the bare minimum of furniture, with most of our nicer furniture "staging" the old house.
This lack of "my" furniture and being able to decorate this house as I would like to make it "ours" has been a real challenge for me. God is definitely teaching me about being content in whatever circumstance I find myself in, and also, to recognize that our possessions come from Him!
I haven't had to move very much. We have had a total of 4 homes in 24 years of marriage. The most challenging time was the move we made to build a new house from the ground up while I was pregmant with our first son! Bad choice! Those are not two things you need to do simultaneously.
The house we live in now has felt like Home since day one. God surely led us to this place and it is so obvious in many way too numerous to mention in this comment.
Who knows, though. We may have to move again. Never know what God has in store! We just follow where He leads!
Been in the "new" house for 4 months. My husband and I are ready to go home. I can't seem to find myself here. Struggling to find a church, friends, a purpose.
dmelton22Hi Van! Missed you while on vacation...It was all could do not to run down to the public library and read your blog on Mon & Wed! LOL! What an awesome blog to come home and read b/4 going to bed! God is moving us along...but not totally spiritual! We've felt it coming for some time now and I am truly excited to find what lies beyond MY imagination and God's REALITY!! Love you sis!
I'm just checking in on you! Sounds like your Bible study is going great. Makes me wish I was close, so I could share! Still praying for you, friend. I think of you often.
Hey Van - it's me again! You've been TAGGED! Hope you enojoy things of this nature...if not, maybe you'll just enjoy reading our crazy random things anyway...Love you!!
Check my blog for complete instructions.
Wow, what a beautiful post. I am in battle with this moving thing, as God is asking me to do a very difficult thing. I'm not sure how to at all. So, right now I'm praying for directions. Your post has given me hope and encouragements. Thank for you sharing.
Van! where are you???? I miss you! I pray you are having a sweet vacation that refreshes your spirit and encourages you!
Praying for you!