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About Me

Fun Facts about Van Walton
My favorite smell: The way the earth smells after it rains.
My favorite sound: The first notes of a grand symphony.
My favorite way to relax: Sitting anywhere outside - on my front porch, on my deck, or by the lake, early in the morning with my first cup of coffee.
My favorite birthday dessert: a Peach cobbler baked by my husband. He’s my fave chef!
I will not eat: Avocado. They turn my stomach into a volcano that never erupts.
Technology I couldn't live without and why: My laptop - it takes me anywhere I want to go.
One thing that makes me smile: My sons' faces!

My Resources
My book, From the Pound to the Palace, is available for $10
from Proverbs 31 Ministries.

My book, Little Halos, is available for $5.99 from Proverbs
31 Ministries.

Proverbs 31 Speakers
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Saturday I am going to a wedding! I have been anticipating this celebration for months – ever since my friends, the parents of the bride, announced the good news. This wedding is special because the bride is my son’s close friend, his sister of sorts. He never had a sister. She had no siblings. They grew up just doors away from each other and shared lots of good times together.
Allison drove Aaron to school for a year before he got his license, because she is a year older. They participated in several church youth events together. She cheered him on in his sports events. He attended her choir productions. When they graduated from college they celebrated in down town Chicago at the restaurant of her choice because she graduated with the higher GPA. When it came time for her to move into her first home, Aaron helped her dad place all the furniture.
A few years after college Aaron married another neighbor – his elementary school sweetheart! Allison earned her master’s degree and went to work in Chicago. Their friendship continued, but with new challenges, the time they could spend together didn’t come as often.
Saturday Aaron will be an usher in her wedding and walk her mother down the aisle.
Their friendship, sealed while still young, has remained true.
I pray for both young couples - that years from now their love and passion for each other will have grown deep and steady, that no matter what storms threaten to pound and provoke them, that they would remain true to each other and the God at whose altar they have said, “I do.”
I pray this prayer because I know its power. Others have prayed for me and my marriage – my marriage of going-on 37 years!! I look back on the storms – how they pounded and provoked us. I think of the hard times, those times I wondered if staying together was really worth it all.
I think of what we might have missed had we gone our separate ways after the proverbial 7 year itch. We would have never experienced the birth of our two sons.
What if we had separated after the first decade of marriage? Forgiveness and unconditional love would have never entered our relationship!
And had we chosen different paths after twenty years of marriage, we would not have built our house together, the one where we studied the Bible with other couples, the one where 36 football players lined up for spaghetti dinners, the one where friends came to pray with me when I learned my daddy had entered his last days of life on this earth, the one where church elders and architects met countless times into the wee hours of the morning designing the building where hundreds of people would eventually worship God and study His Word.
It saddens me to think that we might have hung up all our hard work, even after sharing so many blessings, and HARD ships. But we hung in there through cross-country corporate moves that separated us physically and emotionally. We remained true to our vows as we bent over our son’s very sick body and prayed him through the valley of the shadow of death. We traveled together and with our sons experiencing the beauty of God’s creation. We modeled marriage for our sons and for that can smile at the future.
I could continue with a long list of the reasons I celebrate our marriage.
What about you? Can you make a list of the good that has come from your commitment?
And if you have reached a crooked place in your marriage, let me challenge you to consider – what will your life look like 50 years from now? Recently I received an encouraging CD that I would like you to consider. It is titled
Fifty Years from Now.
Here are the lyrics to one song. Click the above title to purchase the entire CD. You will be glad you did!
Words & Music by John Mandeville, Steve Siler, & Bill Ebert
What do you do when the fire's gone and passion fades away Just being together used to be enough
But now what?
How do we feel what we used to feel
Can we learn how to care when it seems such a long way back
from here to there
Right now it feels like it would be easier
To give up and give in, but
Fifty years from now What will we remember?
Fifty years from now What will we have to treasure?
If we walk away from this
What will we have missed?
Fifty years, Fifty years from now
Dance recitals and T- ball games
The simple joys of the day
Will we let the best of life just pass us by
Graduations and wedding days
Grandkids up on our knees
Will we make a huge mistake or memories?
Do we just throw away what we started
Missing us, missing out
God gave us this love
We need to see it through
The moment's ours
The choice is up to me and you
Allison drove Aaron to school for a year before he got his license, because she is a year older. They participated in several church youth events together. She cheered him on in his sports events. He attended her choir productions. When they graduated from college they celebrated in down town Chicago at the restaurant of her choice because she graduated with the higher GPA. When it came time for her to move into her first home, Aaron helped her dad place all the furniture.
A few years after college Aaron married another neighbor – his elementary school sweetheart! Allison earned her master’s degree and went to work in Chicago. Their friendship continued, but with new challenges, the time they could spend together didn’t come as often.
Saturday Aaron will be an usher in her wedding and walk her mother down the aisle.
Their friendship, sealed while still young, has remained true.
I pray for both young couples - that years from now their love and passion for each other will have grown deep and steady, that no matter what storms threaten to pound and provoke them, that they would remain true to each other and the God at whose altar they have said, “I do.”
I pray this prayer because I know its power. Others have prayed for me and my marriage – my marriage of going-on 37 years!! I look back on the storms – how they pounded and provoked us. I think of the hard times, those times I wondered if staying together was really worth it all.
YES! – I want everyone to know. Working it out, staying together--it is worth it all.
I think of what we might have missed had we gone our separate ways after the proverbial 7 year itch. We would have never experienced the birth of our two sons.
What if we had separated after the first decade of marriage? Forgiveness and unconditional love would have never entered our relationship!
And had we chosen different paths after twenty years of marriage, we would not have built our house together, the one where we studied the Bible with other couples, the one where 36 football players lined up for spaghetti dinners, the one where friends came to pray with me when I learned my daddy had entered his last days of life on this earth, the one where church elders and architects met countless times into the wee hours of the morning designing the building where hundreds of people would eventually worship God and study His Word.
It saddens me to think that we might have hung up all our hard work, even after sharing so many blessings, and HARD ships. But we hung in there through cross-country corporate moves that separated us physically and emotionally. We remained true to our vows as we bent over our son’s very sick body and prayed him through the valley of the shadow of death. We traveled together and with our sons experiencing the beauty of God’s creation. We modeled marriage for our sons and for that can smile at the future.
I could continue with a long list of the reasons I celebrate our marriage.
What about you? Can you make a list of the good that has come from your commitment?
And if you have reached a crooked place in your marriage, let me challenge you to consider – what will your life look like 50 years from now? Recently I received an encouraging CD that I would like you to consider. It is titled
Fifty Years from Now.
Here are the lyrics to one song. Click the above title to purchase the entire CD. You will be glad you did!
Words & Music by John Mandeville, Steve Siler, & Bill Ebert
What do you do when the fire's gone and passion fades away Just being together used to be enough
But now what?
How do we feel what we used to feel
Can we learn how to care when it seems such a long way back
from here to there
Right now it feels like it would be easier
To give up and give in, but
Fifty years from now What will we remember?
Fifty years from now What will we have to treasure?
If we walk away from this
What will we have missed?
Fifty years, Fifty years from now
Dance recitals and T- ball games
The simple joys of the day
Will we let the best of life just pass us by
Graduations and wedding days
Grandkids up on our knees
Will we make a huge mistake or memories?
Do we just throw away what we started
Missing us, missing out
God gave us this love
We need to see it through
The moment's ours
The choice is up to me and you
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I love this post. I am encouraged. We've been married 15 years. At times, I feel like I can't take it anymore. I've packed up all my belongings in my mind. He's packed up a couple of times (physically), but God kept us together. We're going strong. 37 years will be my new goal.
Thank you for sharing a great story. Have you ever thought about writing a new book on marriage-tips & all? How do we see pass the hurts, the bruises, and the cold chills?
Have a great time at the wedding.
That was so awesome and so timely. I have been married for 24 years. We just had our anniversary Monday!
Thanks for your comment on my blog today! It made my day to know you visited me!
Love and Blessings,
What a beautiful post, Van. I am so happy to imagine your Aaron usher at his sweet friend's wedding. How special to have a lifelong friendship like they share. What a blessing. And what role models you and your hubbie are for these young couples! You are an inspiration for me!
You're always so convincingly encouraging! Thanks for your visit...I love hearing from you, Van!
And I'm a bit jealous that you speak Spanish...My Dad is Hispanic and I know more Hebrew than Spanish!
what a crazy world we live in...
bountiful blessings & SHALOM Dear Sister!
What a great post and song! My in-laws just celebrated their 50th anniversary by renewing their vows. Their son-in-law conducted the ceremony, and they were surrounded by their four children and their spouses and their six grandchildren. We are so grateful for their wonderful example!