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About Me

Fun Facts about Van Walton
My favorite smell: The way the earth smells after it rains.
My favorite sound: The first notes of a grand symphony.
My favorite way to relax: Sitting anywhere outside - on my front porch, on my deck, or by the lake, early in the morning with my first cup of coffee.
My favorite birthday dessert: a Peach cobbler baked by my husband. He’s my fave chef!
I will not eat: Avocado. They turn my stomach into a volcano that never erupts.
Technology I couldn't live without and why: My laptop - it takes me anywhere I want to go.
One thing that makes me smile: My sons' faces!

My Resources
My book, From the Pound to the Palace, is available for $10
from Proverbs 31 Ministries.

My book, Little Halos, is available for $5.99 from Proverbs
31 Ministries.

Proverbs 31 Speakers
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Alternative to Waiting: “Gain New Strength” or Lose Spiritual Muscle
Along with thousands of other women I am participating in Beth Moore’s new Bible study: Esther
Yesterday in my women's Bible study at church I learned Esther waited…
and the fact that she chose to wait, rather than make an impulsive, impatient move made all the difference in the history of the Jewish nation. An entire race of people was saved!
Who knows – God does – why He called you to build strength in the Wait Room. The implications of your time trial might change the course of the river on which you travel.
As Beth spoke, lectured, and entertained me I took copious notes.
I don’t feel so lonely anymore. Seems like someone else believes we need to park on the theme of waiting and take it seriously – someone important, someone with some clout!
Here are Beth’s inspiring words on the topic of waiting:
“Our culture is training us for impatience.”
“We believe that any wait is an enormous inconvenience.”
“If we can’t wait upon the Lord we will not fulfill our destiny.”
“Women have been given a gift of influence.
One of the most beloved scriptures concerning waiting is Isaiah 40:31 ~
“…those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.”
“What is the alternative to waiting on the Lord?” Beth asks. ”We will lose our strength when we wait upon the thing, the event, the person…”
You choose: Wait upon the Lord and gain new strength or…
Wait upon the thing, the event, or the person and lose strength.
Read what Habakuk writes in Chapter 2 verse 3:
“For the vision is yet for the appointed time. It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it. For it will certainly come, it will not delay.”
“Something is happening in the heavenlies.” Know that our God is at work. Trust Him with your wait. Give it to Him. He can bear it.
We may not all have the same “it” whatever "it" is that we wait for, but we all wait.
“Though it tarries it will certainly come.”
If you don’t have an “it” that you are waiting for, then certainly you have a loved one who has an “it” they are lifting – a heavy wait God has called them to His Wait Room to lift, to build spiritual strength. Step into the Wait Room with a Wait Trainer/friend and offer to tarry with them.
Along with thousands of other women I am participating in Beth Moore’s new Bible study: Esther
Yesterday in my women's Bible study at church I learned Esther waited…
and the fact that she chose to wait, rather than make an impulsive, impatient move made all the difference in the history of the Jewish nation. An entire race of people was saved!
Who knows – God does – why He called you to build strength in the Wait Room. The implications of your time trial might change the course of the river on which you travel.
As Beth spoke, lectured, and entertained me I took copious notes.
I don’t feel so lonely anymore. Seems like someone else believes we need to park on the theme of waiting and take it seriously – someone important, someone with some clout!
Here are Beth’s inspiring words on the topic of waiting:
“Our culture is training us for impatience.”
“We believe that any wait is an enormous inconvenience.”
“If we can’t wait upon the Lord we will not fulfill our destiny.”
“Women have been given a gift of influence.
We have a power that comes with wisdom and ‘wait’.”
One of the most beloved scriptures concerning waiting is Isaiah 40:31 ~
“…those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.”
“What is the alternative to waiting on the Lord?” Beth asks. ”We will lose our strength when we wait upon the thing, the event, the person…”
You choose: Wait upon the Lord and gain new strength or…
Wait upon the thing, the event, or the person and lose strength.
Read what Habakuk writes in Chapter 2 verse 3:
“For the vision is yet for the appointed time. It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it. For it will certainly come, it will not delay.”
“Something is happening in the heavenlies.” Know that our God is at work. Trust Him with your wait. Give it to Him. He can bear it.
We may not all have the same “it” whatever "it" is that we wait for, but we all wait.
“Though it tarries it will certainly come.”
If you don’t have an “it” that you are waiting for, then certainly you have a loved one who has an “it” they are lifting – a heavy wait God has called them to His Wait Room to lift, to build spiritual strength. Step into the Wait Room with a Wait Trainer/friend and offer to tarry with them.
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Thanks so much for those quotes and scriptures this morning, Van :)
Good stuff! I'm so glad you shared them.
Have a lovely Wednesday!
Learning to wait,
Kate :)
I have an "it" I'm waiting for. I think I able to sit down in the waiting room now. Let me explain. Last weekend I was at a conference. God started connecting me to people and new ideas. Normally, I would be beside myself trying to figure out what is going on. I would be pacing the floor. However, I don't want to get all excited thinking the Great Physician is about to burst through the doors with and update on what's going on. I am not letting myself get carried away with what His Hand is doing. When I need to know, I will. I will have a seat in the waiting room and encourage someone else there. This is huge growth for me. I have a rock outside my front door that says 'patience'. I like your Wednesdays. Thanks, B
I believe that waiting is so hard because then we are giving over control to God. My husband is a fixer and he wants to fix everything right now whether it is a stove or a relationship. Now mind you I would love for my oven to work and that 4th burner would be nice but some things we just have to wait for. I too am impatient for things but giving everything over to God is so comforting.
Have a happy day
I loved your devotion today. I am presently leading the Beth Moore study of Esther. I gather to grow with some precious moms of young'uns. The session on waiting really impacted me.
I will share your devotion with them. I know that it will be an encouragement.
I also loved your post about waiting. So true! We have a son that we have been fasting, praying, and believing for complete restoration for several years. Though we have seen improvement, it seems we have hit a plateau. He is twenty-nine. My husband just reminded me last night that we need to wait for the Lord in this matter.
The scripture came to me "with faith and patience we inherit the promises".
So we continue our walk, working through what is right in front of us, strengthened by a vision that encourages us to walk in faith as we wait on the Lord.
Thanks for touching my life today!