About Me

Van Walton

Fun Facts about Van Walton

My favorite smell: The way the earth smells after it rains.

My favorite sound: The first notes of a grand symphony.

My favorite way to relax: Sitting anywhere outside - on my front porch, on my deck, or by the lake, early in the morning with my first cup of coffee.

My favorite birthday dessert: a Peach cobbler baked by my husband. He’s my fave chef!

I will not eat: Avocado. They turn my stomach into a volcano that never erupts.

Technology I couldn't live without and why: My laptop - it takes me anywhere I want to go.

One thing that makes me smile: My sons' faces!

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My Resources

My book, From the Pound to the Palace, is available for $10
from Proverbs 31 Ministries.

Pound to Palace

My book, Little Halos, is available for $5.99 from Proverbs
31 Ministries.

Little Halos

Proverbs 31 Ministries


Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion

Sunday, September 6, 2009


                GARDEN PATCH LESSONS
I have been thinking for some time that this patch of --- whatever you want to call it:
neglected roadside,
forgotten ground, 
ignored weeds, 
thirsty dirt, 
ugly weeds, 
thorn infested plants,
hard clay ---
This patch needs a total re-make.
I have known it for a long time. But have I even entertained the thought of what I might do to spruce it up? Uh yes, but that is as far as I have gone with being a good steward of the land God has given me.
So there it withers in the front of my yard, not a very welcoming sight to my neighbors or those who visit my neighborhood.
   dry      neglected   withering   ignored  abandoned  
                           unattractive  embarrassing

I think, “One look at this and you know it needs a little sprucing up!”   I HAVE got to do something. 

And as I begin the work it doesn’t take God long to respectfully tip toe into my heart so he can teach me lessons:  

Garden patch lessons learned in my garden patch life.

God immediately begins planting - a seed in my thoughts: 
“Does your life bear any resemblance to this corner patch?"
I consider,   “Absolutely! I can list several areas of my life that need attention." 
God: Then get to work. 
I do as the Proverbs 31 woman does. I “inspect a field”  

and  “make sure my dealings are profitable.”
I clear the patch removing all the weeds and stuff I don’t want to contaminate my future plot. 
Then I go to work taking out the old.
While I work I remember my latest reading in the Psalms: Chapter 88
My life is full of troubles…
I am as good as dead 
like a strong man with no strength left.
I am forgotten
You have driven my friends away by making me repulsive to them...
You have taken away my companions and loved ones...
I work the patch while God works in me.
His teaching style hasn’t changed. He continues to say,
“Consider the field.”
I don’t have a field I have a patch and I can relate to my little patch.
Sometimes my life feels like this:
Yet, as  I dig and dream about what this little patch will look like when I finish, hope wells up inside of me. I know the plans I have for this piece of dirt.
God: “I know the plans I have for you – to prosper you and not to destroy you.”
I put up my tools, to return another day and finish my project.
Oh the lessons I learn when I step into my garden.
You are invited to return and join me as I continue describing those lessons learned in the garden patch.
Meanwhile we,


John Cowart said...

I'd comment more but you make me feel guilty; I need to weed our front flower bed.

Beckypdj said...

Thank you for taking time out to read my blog and comment. I will be checking out your blog regularly. Thanks again.
