About Me

Van Walton

Fun Facts about Van Walton

My favorite smell: The way the earth smells after it rains.

My favorite sound: The first notes of a grand symphony.

My favorite way to relax: Sitting anywhere outside - on my front porch, on my deck, or by the lake, early in the morning with my first cup of coffee.

My favorite birthday dessert: a Peach cobbler baked by my husband. He’s my fave chef!

I will not eat: Avocado. They turn my stomach into a volcano that never erupts.

Technology I couldn't live without and why: My laptop - it takes me anywhere I want to go.

One thing that makes me smile: My sons' faces!

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My Resources

My book, From the Pound to the Palace, is available for $10
from Proverbs 31 Ministries.

Pound to Palace

My book, Little Halos, is available for $5.99 from Proverbs
31 Ministries.

Little Halos

Proverbs 31 Ministries


Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


When my son and I brought our pound puppy home from the animal shelter, we set about to “train” him. He was a fast learner. He amazed me with his sweet desire to please his masters. He has three – my son, Benjamin, my husband, and me.

Soon, my little dog – Air (he jumps high in the Air to catch balls, like Michael ‘Air’ Jordan) was training me! His life of devotion became a daily spiritual illustration showing me how to live close to my Master- Jesus.

One of the first lessons we taught our loving pet was that he should not jump up – not on us – not on guests. People don’t like a dog that jumps up on them. For the first several days Air lived in our house, we kept his leash on him. When the door bell rang we stepped on the leash, shortening it, so he could not jump up. We kept him on a short leash.

Likewise, when we took walks, when another dog walked by, we tightened the leash so he would not run up to the other dog, possibly inviting a spat. We kept him on a short leash.

There was a lesson for me in ‘the short leash.’

I am a roamer, a wanderer. I especially tend to wander away from my Master.

God gave us friends so we could develop communities of support and encouragement. The joy of communication is His gift to us. When chatting and laughing, story telling and sharing cross the line and become jealous thoughts and gossip, it means we have wandered too far. Where’s ‘the short leash?’

Entertainment is a fabulous invention. Music, sports, theater, literature, the arts, movies, T.V., radio, the Internet not only delight us, each has its positive educational value. When sports begin to consume, when the Internet constantly calls, or even when our own children’s activities wedge themselves into our time alone with God, we need the security of ‘a short leash.’

Daily nutrition is necessary for living. Hourly visits to the refrigerator, pantry, or fast food joints are not a part of our basic human needs. I KNOW I need ‘a short leash’ – one that does not allow me near food!

Why do we need ‘a short leash?’

Guess what – today, my little dog roams freely. He stays in his yard without a leash. He goes on walks with his master, never leaving the master’s side.

Could it be there is a lesson in ‘the short leash?’

Master, Jesus, Keep me on a short leash, that I might not sin…

Disobedience is the root of sin. Disobedience can be conquered. Just like my little dog, Air who was taught to obey, we can learn, and our children can learn also. Teach them early, introduce them to: From the Pound to the Palace, a testimony of a devoted dog who meets his master and obediently follow him to a safe place defined by freedom and delightful adventures; a true story complete with life lessons, Bible truths, and daily applications that come together illustrating Jesus’ call to all children, “follow me.”


Shanda said...

Wow! Conviction! And I love it! No more using the chaos of moving as an excuse to let time slip away. I needed this encouragement tonight!

RGrant1st said...


I just found your blog--how creative! I'm a first grade teacher at a Christian School and enjoyed your "short leash" lesson. That is sooooo true! I'll stop back by again, I'm sure.

Be blessed,